“These are…bushes. That, and the location of my party hat are the two things I know right now.”
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
More Hungover Owls
Monday, January 10, 2011
Facebook Status Whores
Food for thought: People that constantly update their status are usually doing so for one of the following uber-stupid reasons.
1.) He or she obvi wants someone in particular to read it. Let's be honest, this person that you want to read your status has better things to do than read about what your lame ass is doing via FB. I had a friend that kept updating her status after her boyfriend dumped her. She would write crap like "I'm so happy and having such a great day!" Obvi you're nothaving a "great day" if you're taking the time to update your FB status. He's prob feeling sorry for you because you clearly haven't moved on and everyone on FB knows it.
2.) He or she wants to let everyone know just how fulfilled they are with their lives. In other words they're either beyond full of themselves and attempting to make others jealous or they actually hate their lives and are trying to put up a happy facade (or maybe still trying to make other people jealous). In both cases these fools obvi need a reality check. No one is going to be jealous of your most recent status update about what your kids* did today. In fact no one is ever going to be jealous of you, because clearly all you do is sit around and post new statuses. If you feel the need to share that crap, start a blog and we can all just steer clear of it. Stop overflowing my news feed. Becuase I don't care and I'm pretty sure no one else does either.
*I realize that I made numerous references to status updaters that are married and or have kids. That's because these are the worst freaking kind. The Pregnant Women Are Smug ladies need to write a song about the women with kids that are smug. An annoying status updater with children is actually what got me jacked up enough to write this post. She tends to average 3 to 4 status updates a day, and although she only had one update today it annoyed me because she misspelled chili (as in the food). She spelled it Chile, as in the country. Spesh. If you're going to spend your time annoying the rest of us, at least be grammatically correct while you're doing it. My sisters and I used to randomly e-mail each other with her status updates...we called it her thought of the day. She provided us with lots o' entertainment (hence why I refuse to just straight up defriend her), until she put up pics of her prego belly and her pregnancy test. No one wants to see that shit.
Some of my personal favorites from her past status updates:
-"Cinderella is missing her morning dances with her daddy charming."
I just vommed a little.
-"ate four pieces of toast so that I'd have something to nurse my daughter. She is down for a nap, but now I'm feeling pretty yucky again. My son and my mothe are playing and my husband is doing our taxes. I think it is time for my first nap of the day!"
I think it's time someone permenantly deleted her from FB.
-"loves my son's Nalgene Grip and Gulp sip cup. This thing is indestructable and the valve is great. It won't leak... (unless you forget to put the valve in and your son turns it upside down in his stroller! lol) But seriously. I love it!"
But seriously get a life. You've lowered yourself to writing status updates about a freaking sippi cup.
-after taking a what wedding ring am I FB quiz she posted this gem:
"okay my engagement ring is a round somewhat solitare (no other large stones) and I was a young bride. 21. Those are my EXACT goals in life. I have a taste for nice things, but for sure cut coupons and I made pot roast yesterday! I'm so conservative but get discouraged in our leaders if I watch too much politics..."
Do you get discouraged because you didn't understand what you were watching? I mean... I don't think she even understood what she was trying to get across in that post. Believe it or not those are her exact words verbatum. God help us when she starts writing more political themed posts....
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Inspiration for Water for Elephants?
"The Day They Hanged an Elephant in East Tennessee"
Mary the Elephant killed her handler Red Eldridge in Kingsport, Tennessee on September 12, 1916The website explains that although no one denies Mary killed Eldridge, no one knows how or why for certain. It goes on to offer numerous theories as to how and why gathered from the oral-history tapes from the Archives of Appalachia at East Tennessee State University. On September 13, 1916 more than 2,500 people were present to watch Mary hanged from a Derrick Car 1400.
(according to www.blueridgecountry.com/archive/mary-the-elephant.html)
So I saw Tron: Legacy last week and actually really liked it. The special effects were beyond legit and the soundtrack was amazing. I'm always pleasantly surprised when Disney does a more adult movie like this, i.e. Pirates of the Caribbean, that turns out to be so fawesome. The soundtrack is Daft Punk and something to definitely pay attention to during the movie. I will say Tron: Legacy is a movie that you need to let yourself get wrapped up in. By that I mean commit to the fantasy of it; don't over think what you're watching or you might end up disliking it. I feel the same way about the Matrix Trilogy, you have to commit to what you're watching or you'll spend the rest of the movie thinking WTF. Some fantasy movies are easier to commit to than others (obvi like Harry Potter), but def give Tron a chance. Just food for thought. I've never seen the original Tron, but have recently added it to my Netflix Queue. PS: Be looking for Michael Sheen. He's fawesome as usual.
Movies I'm still dying to see:
-Black Swan (I'm a huge fan of both Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis and the preview makes the film look amazingly dark and twisted)
-The King's Speech (I freaking love Colin Firth. Also any Pride & Prejudice fan who hasn't seen the BBC miniseries with him as Darcy needs to do so stat)
-The Kids Are Alright (I've heard Annette Benning is amazing and who doesn't love some Mark Ruffalo?)