Thursday, May 20, 2010


Sorry it's been a decade since I last blogged. I did my student teaching internship this semester while taking classes leaving very little time for other things. I am now however ready to share this past semester's stories. I was in two different classrooms, so I'll start with the first one, fifth grade with Ms. Wyatt. On a side note I was placed at a school in the legit middle of nowhere. It was thirty minutes away from my house and all there is out there is a Dollar General. And the DG, as I affectionately refer to the Dollar General, def sells clothes. Fawesome. I really liked my teacher. She coached softball at the local high school, and I think coaching prob should be her full time job. She was ALWAYS on the phone dealing with softball related things. (Imagine if you will a thick accent similar to Reba McEntire, but more country) "Well one of my girls got caught buying beer underage last night at the damn Texaco, it was even caught on camera." She walked in with at least two softball related stories to share with me every morning, unless she was on the phone or doing something online (of course softball related). I mean thank goodness I was there to teach the kids. The kids were hilarious.

I'll start with Julia, one of my favorites. She's black, tall, really athletic, a huge tomboy, and has a huge mouth. After a few weeks there I was teaching math when I noticed Julia talking. So I told her to quit talking and pay attention to the lesson. She promptly responded with "Excuse me! Baby Girl I wasn't talkin." She referred to me as Baby Girl for the rest of the semester. I remember telling her if she didn't quit talking we were going to have a come to jesus meeting. Her response was, "Baby Girl, I already got Jesus. And I wadn't talkin." She always claimed she wasn't doing what I accused her of; luckily I soon learned the best way to get to her. Everytime she contiued doing something she wasn't supposed to, I threatened to move her away from her "husband." Julia's "husband" was the quiet white boy, Blake, that sat next to her. She always referred to him as her husband, even to his mom, who works in the cafeteria, and her coworkers. Whenever I threatened to move her desk away from him, she would respond with, "Baby Girl don't you dare take my husband away from me. That ain't even an option." Even though she still got sassy with me when I threatened to move her, she would at least close her big mouth long enough for me to finish the lesson for fear that I actually would split her and her husband up. My last week in Ms. Wyatt's class Julia pulled me aside for a "real real important convo." Apparently there was a sixth grader on her bus that she had the hots for. When I asked her what she was going to do about her husband, she said "What're you talkin about? He ain't going nowhere. He's my husband duh." She then proceeded to explain that she could shop around all she wanted, because she knows her hubby isn't goin anywhere. Luckily Blake considers Julia his best friend, it always cracked me up to see Julia running her mouth and yelling across the room sitting next to little quiet Blake. I really miss Julia and hearing her call me Baby Girl.

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