Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Family Decals Should Be Banned

As of late, I've seen one family decal too many. These remind me of the necklackes that used to be all the rage in the early 90's. They were worn on a long gold chain with a tiny person pendant for each of your children. The pendants were shaped for boys and girls accordingly and their shirts or dresses were made of each child's corresponding birth stones. My mom totally had one and frequently wore it til she saw the light and realized that it was no longer cool. In my opinion the family decals are equally uncool and serioulsy need to go. Here are just a few examples of the decals I've seen and or found on google.

Flip flops? Really?

I don't even feel the need to comment on this one.
Except to say that I feel sorry for the kid nicknamed dumbass.

How much would it suck if you were the kid whose nickname was boogers? Middle school is
really going to suck for that poor kid.

This is clearly a psycho mom. Not only has she made sure to give each family member's decal its own personality, she has included the family pets. Also make note of her tag: MYJLLYFMLY
Does that mean my jolly family? Special.

Wow, a whole new low. Footprints that make heart shapes. Vom.

1 comment:

  1. i hate them as well! They are so bogan/trashy! Which family members' idea do you think it is to actually put them on the car? Do they go as a family and pick the pics that best represent them? It annoys me even more than snotty little kids ordering babycinos.
